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In 2012 we called the Children of Artemis who runs WitchFest International in Europe and asked their permission to run an event similar to theirs in the USA with the same name. They gave us permission stating that they were surprised and honored that someone would call first before using their name, with the express wish that we change the name slightly so that people do not confuse ours with theirs. Hence the name WitchsFest.
The NYC Wiccan Family Temple has since then been an Annual event ‘WitchsFest USA’ which has become ‘The WitchsFest USA Street Fair’ A Pagan Festival –at ‘the heart beat of NYC’ Astor Place (Between Broadway and Lafayette). More space for us all!
WitchsFest USA follows in the tradition of WitchFest International and many other Pagan Festivals across the US. With Live Performances, Workshops, Tarot Readers/Psychics, Children’s Events and just plain old pagan fun. Held at the Summer Solstice, we invite everyone to be dressed in costumes themed for the season.
FREE for attendees • Dress theme – Summer Solstice type costumes and mode of dress, fairies, genies, pixies, sprites, wood nymphs, satyrs etc.
Free Workshops – many interesting topics by Authors and experts in their particular fields.
Vendors consisting of Pagan oriented merchants
Psychic Court – for readers of all types.
A PAGAN PANEL – for pagan groups/covens of all types to be able to give out and discuss different topics. 1 ½ hours
‘Magickal Wishing Wells’ – Spell charged for everyone to make a wish
Live Performers –bands, dancers etc
A Drumming Circle
Sponsors: If you would like to be a sponsor please do contact us.
WitchsFest Program Advertising: If you would like to place an Ad in the program please do let us know, our Ad Sheet is attached with great prices.
Opening blessing for event success.
Closing Ritual
And of course that Pagan Fun we mentioned. And much, much more ……
In order for us to do Free Workshops we do need many vendors. So please spread the word. If you cannot participate, do remember this will be an annual event, so you may consider participating in the years to come.
Thanking you all for your many considerations and participation.
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