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Why We Do It
We would like to build WitchsFest USA into becoming one of the ‘biggest festivals’ that everyone looks forward to going to each year, where they can have fun and in the interim we can put aside money for our Building/Space Fund.
Real Estate is VERY expensive so it may take us some time and great effort, but with the intent for us to make it manifest.
There are a lot of other reasons as well.
Recognition and Reputation – We are a small temple in the New York City area, with a handful of committed individuals but we do have a place in the hearts of many. And thus we have a responsibility to the community at large and have earned our place within it.
Creating a Family Friendly Pagan & Non-Pagan Friendly Environment
Creating A Better Community – We have brought the community together since 2005, for many different events. As such, we would like to have many groups be involved in this in one form or another.
Networking and bringing together a diverse number of people of varied Pagan Religions and Traditions coming together and networking with each other, forming a common bond and doing great things together.
Taking Ownership of our Temple & our Religion – As Witches we will create positive change, among ourselves.
Committing ourselves to empower solitaries, groups and covens, celebrating and experiencing together.
Creating opportunities for everyone on many levels and opening space for all in our community as a place they will feel welcomed at all times.
Setting an example in the community at large – This includes public perception.
Fun – The key ingredient in this plus the freedom to just be who we are among our own.
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